Falun City Walks

walking tours in English of the Falun World Heritage site

come and experience

the small town beside the Great Copper Mountain!

Falun is a small town with a big history! With its origins dating back to the 14th century and its close links to the Falun Mine, today Falun is the capital of Dalarna and a World Heritage site: just one of only 1000 places in the world that are so important they need to be protected forever. Come on a walking tour of Falun and see this special place for yourself!

On a Falun City Walks walking tour you will wander the streets of the old mine-worker districts, with their distinctive red wooden houses, and stroll along the river with its beautiful parks and squares. You'll learn about the town's connection to copper and its many mining adventures. You'll hear stories about its famous residents, distinctive traditions and its more notorious visitors.

Our tours run regularly throughout the summer and are led by authorized and knowledgeable guides. Click on the button to find out more and how to book.


Falun has a lot of stories to tell! Let us share some of them with you!

The Black Boot Tour

This tour takes in Falun's highlights and is great as an introduction for the first-time visitor.

The Red Boot Tour

Just a little bit different, this tour explores the weird and wonderful sites and stories that make Falun unique. 

The Shoemaker's Special

Not sure what you want to see? Have kids or you're part of a group? We can help!

Hi, I'm Janice!

historian, teacher and guide

I've travelled a long way to get to Falun! Born in Canada, I moved to Ireland when I was in my 20s. I worked as a university history teacher for nearly 30 years until, persuaded by my Swedish husband, our family moved to Dalarna. Since then I've discovered what an amazing place Dalarna is. In 2022 I became a certified Dalarna guide and only a couple of months ago set up Falun City Walks, a business designed to offer English-language tourist experiences in Dalarna. 

Moving to a new country is full of "a-ha" moments, times when you suddenly realise why the things around you are the way they are. These things can be hard to spot when you're travelling or on a short visit. Come on one of my tours and I'll show you how you can "see" Falun, and Dalarna, like a local!

My Network

Falun City Walks and I are part of a network of guides who work across Dalarna and farther afield. We are all licensed to guide in Dalarna and are certified by SveGuide, the Swedish national guiding organisation.

Dalarna isn't that big of a place so, when we can, we all try to help each other out. If I can't take you on a walking tour, I'm sure I'll be able to find someone who can.

Falun City Walks works in coperation with

a fantastic group of people and organisations

Walking is good for you!

other ways you can walk in Dalarna


Hosted by Dalarna's official tourist agency Visit Dalarna, this spin-off website has got inspiration and tips (in English) on the best places to walk across the whole county.


The Falun World Heritage site is in Swedish but there are downloadable links to maps of walking paths in the area, like the one from Carl Larsson's home in Sundborn to Falun or the forests above Falun Mine.


Lotta's been walking the forests around the mine for years! Her tours include cooking over an open fire and a visit to Falun's Nature School, an educational farm with animals.